The story is about a Cyborg Bounty Hunter who gets caught between the fronts of a violent conflict between a powerful corporation and the inhabitants of a remote desert planet.
In the process, he learns a lot about himself and his own convictions, as well as about the most diverse characters on the planet.

In our gameplay demo, the player is challenged to gather the necessary items to repair a speeder in order to pick up the trail of the rebels.

Tears and Dust is a point'n'click adventure game that combines the western and sci-fi genres.

It is the pilot project of our newly founded indie studio "Unbound".


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I am from Canada and I absolutely loved the Art and story, although there were a few grammatical errors with the english I enjoyed the problem-solving aspect of the game and I am looking forward to a possible full version of the game. I especially loved the Street, Melanie, and that cat to the right of the mechanics shop. :p
